How Many People Actually Believe In Horoscopes?


Do you have that friend who always feels the need to relate everything to their horoscope sign? Or make comments like, “Wow, I really dislike (fill in random horoscope sign) so much!”

Or perhaps you have a secret desire to know yours, but are afraid of what your friends may say-hey it’s okay, insecurity and taboo controls most of our lives. 😉

But now is the time to courageously cure some fear of curiosity!

I’m bringing mad facts, numbers and intellectual prowess that’s gonna blow your mind! Let’s go!


What is a Horoscope? 

Okay, so I think before I drop them facts, although you could easily google it like right now, I wanted to give a more crisp definition of what a horoscope actually is.

Depending on your spiritual beliefs, that is-do we choose to come to earth or are we thrown down here by God as if he is playing dice-then your opinions will vary.


I personally believe that we are sentient, spiritual beings having a physical experience, and that we incarnate at will, but let’s save the semantics and philosophical musings for another post.

Basically, your horoscope is based partly on the location of the planets, stars and other astral bodies upon your birth. Think of it as an eternal song that is playing and when you are born the section of the song that is going kinda sticks to you. Hope that makes sense.

So when I was born the song “Virgo, Metal Sheep and Retrograde” were all playing-and many more.

But the big question for many is, “How can two people who have the same sign have completely different personalities?

This is something I will discuss more in a future post but know that there are more forms of Astrology-Americans tend to only look into one form when there are several (Numerology, Vedic Astrology, Chinese Zodiac etc)


It kinda sucks in my opinion that the baby is thrown out with the bathwater before people do deeper research-on themselves! Some may say astrology is not scientific, but who knows you better-you or a person in a lab coat?

Anywho, let’s reveal my research, and by research I mean what I Googled 8 minutes ago haha.

So what are the numbers? 

Okay, so for those of you who didn’t go ahead and Google
it yourself-thank you for your beautiful attention span-here is your treat. According to this article, over 30% of Americans believe horoscopes are real-yet a more recent article shows that only 55% of Americans consider Astrology “unscientific” or rubbish. This was a decrease from 62%. Which would mean that over 40% are believers! 

Keep in mind these studies were done in 2007 and 2012 respectively. 


Point blank, the numbers have been increasing, which means roughly over 90 million Americans believe in the validity of horoscopes, not to mention the staggering numbers elsewhere-and the fact that these people are of different belief systems is interesting. Maybe Astrology can bring people together, yeah?

On the contrary however, I am not saying, “Hey, a lot of other people believe so you should as well! Jump on the Astrological Bandwagon!” I am just saying that for those like me who are intuitively open to this information, don’t be ashamed-own your personal truth and literally research “yourself”.

So booyah!

I am sure that many may consider this information out of date or innacurate, but again just try it out. What’s the worst that can happen, you learn more about yourself?


Alright well there you have it, some simple numbers to consider, but now the question is for you personally-do you believe astrology is accurate? Have you looked into you natal chart, chinese sign, full numerology chart, etc?

My specialty is that I use many forms of astrology to help people find an ideal partner match, stuff works by the way but hey that’s why I wanted to do this post-to get people more open-I would love feedback!

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Comment below!

-London Holt