How Healing Your Inner Child Attracts Soul-Mates


(Disclaimer: This is a pretty emotional and deep post-you may see something that will bring up suppressed emotions not yet dealt with-proceed with caution. And by the way, I made it as light as I could 😀 hehe ) 

Children are beautiful. Children are unique. Children are free-spirited geniuses.

Children don’t ask to be born but only cherished, appreciated, and accepted unconditionally as they are.

But what happens when a child is not accepted as they are? How does your inner-child connect to attracting soul-mates? Do you really sit around thinking about stuff like this?

Probably not.

Yet, I wanted to explore this topic since soul-mate hood evidently is kinda my thing.

And not to mention, healing your inner-child does attract soul-mates. Let’s delve deep into an ocean called deepness inner-child stuff-ness…okay yeah you know what I mean-hopefully. (Do I even know what I’m talking about?)


What is an Inner-Child?

Perhaps when you hear the word inner child you think of a little midget sized kid who lives in your head, giving you spontaneous urges to watch Disney movies, and beg your parents for the new toy that’s being displayed in some infomercial. But I am sorry, you are horribly wrong.

The inner-child, according to a guy named John Bradshaw, is the sum of our childhood emotions and memories stored unconsciously. Point blank, it is the “little you” stored away that in some way seeks healing.

Sadly enough, as we grow older this inner-child can be suppressed and not properly “nourished”, in a sense.

We starve the inner child when we invalidate our emotions, we hurt the inner-child when we no longer do what brings us personal excitement, we abuse the inner-child when we think being “grown” means a life of pain and suffering-and that this is just the way it is and will always be. 😦 (Why ya gotta be so ruuude?)


The inner child is an abstract concept, but in layman’s terms- the inner child is the collection of your deeper childlike needs that when gone unmet, will end in elaborate and ego-based ways of getting these needs met.

Like the person who really wants a pat on the back, but instead they go out of their way to work hard and get a Masters Degree-just to feel important and get a pat on the back. The core need was a need for recognition and affirmation.

Or consider a person who is having an argument with their significant other and they say something very mean to damage the persons self worth-the core need here would be having someone be dependent on your love and affection so you feel wanted. (Sorry if I exposed anyone here!)

The inner child is a tricky little kid who will destroy everything in your life just to ironically feel loved.


How do you heal the inner child?

I will give you some simple exercises you can do to heal the inner child because I truly believe that when your inner child is not healed, then you will sabotage a loving relationship when it shows up-and it will be so much more difficult to manifest a soul-mate/ideal mate. Again, if any of these exercises causes intense emotional discomfort then stop and come back to it later. Let’s go!


1. Get in touch with your inner child by making a list of things you really enjoyed doing as a child. If need be ask your care takers what you did most as a child. Did you play an instrument? Did you run around a field of grass? (Could convert to jogging by the way) Or perhaps you were a little Picasso at finger painting. Find these thing and make time to do it again, and while you are doing them, check in on your feelings. Is there a part of you that feels this is ridiculous? This could be your inner-critic invalidating the experience-tell that sucker to shut it 😛

scolding2. Imagine, throughout your day, how you would interact with a small child. Would you tell a two year old child that they are stupid? Would you tell a four year old that he/she would never be successful in life? Would you feed a child until they became obese? Treat yourself and speak to yourself the way you would a small child-this is a sure fire way to nourish the inner child. Getting into this habit of “mindfulness” will help you be aware of how you are treating yourself and repeating horrible patterns.

let it go3. Letting go of painful experiences and shifting your story around the pain. Easier said than done…but it can be done. Let’s say you were bullied as a kid or perhaps your parents were so busy working that they weren’t always around to be actual “parents” What inner-story do you have around this? Do you consider yourself unworthy of love?How does this play out in your current relationships? Being able to identify and be honest with the pattern is half the battle of healing.

raise hands4. Ask new “positive” questions! Now try shifting the story-say things like-Why do so many people currently accept me for who I am? Why do I have so many good friends in my life now? What can I do now to nourish my inner-child? When you ask new questions, the world will give you new answers and your inner-child will appreciate this deeply. Ask at least one of these a day-I do like 20 of them by the way-hence my perpetual smile 🙂

fun5. Finally, get out and have fun! Realize that cars run off of gas-and the inner-child thrives off of fun in all its forms. I know I said it before but fun is the magical, underestimated medicine for the soul.

There are many other ways of healing but I am not interested in writing a dissertation, you know what I mean? Use google search, you’ll be alright 😉

Just realize that this helps attract soul-mates because you are making your energy field brighter and lighter-and as you increase the light in your soul-it will shine forward and attract others who are practicing self-love as well. Simple as that.

Alright so this was a pretty heavy post but kudos to the brave who read through! I wish you well in your journey, comment below, share and also check more posts.

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Well, pure love be with you all! Namaste!

-London Holt